The Texas Department of Insurance publishes as an annual index of complaints filed against auto insurance companies doing businesss in Texas. It lists each insurance company, shows the total number of complaints that are filed against it that year, the total number of auto insurance policies in effect, and an index to show how each company compares to the others in the number of complaints.
Texas Basic Auto Insurance Explained
Auto insurance pays for damages, injuries, and other losses that are detailed in your policy. Depending on the type of coverage, auto insurance can either pay for your damages or another driver’s damages, or a passengers damages.
Too many Texans do not have auto liability insurance
State law requires it. Many people cannot afford to buy and maintain auto insurance. They buy auto insurance when its time to renew their driver’s license or their vehicle registration, and then the policy soon lapses when the buyer stops paying the monthly insurance premium.
Read moreToo many Texans do not have auto liability insurance
Getting Medical care after a Texas Car Accident
You’ve been in a wreck. You’re injured. You need medical care. The doctor’s office says they won’t accept your health insurance and the auto insurance company for the at-fault driver won’t pay your medical bills (or maybe they won’t even return your calls). What do you do?
Police and emergency vehicle crashes in Texas
Police and emergency vehicles are frequently involved in crashes. Those wrecks often involve major impacts with significant injuries due to high speed, the size of the vehicle and because those wrecks typically occur at intersections. When the at-fault driver is a government employee, special rules apply and the injury victim is generally required to pursue the claim under the Texas Tort Claims Act.